Allison Langer is a Miami native, University of Miami MBA, writer and a single mom to three children, ages 12, 15 and 17. She is a private writing coach and taught memoir writing in prison. Allison's stories have appeared in The Washington Post, Mutha Magazine, Scary Mommy, Ravishly, She'SAID' and 50GS Magazine, NextTribe, and Huff Post. She's our teacher, producer and host. Allison is currently querying her first novel and writing her memoir.
Andrea Askowitz created Lip Service: True Stories Out Loud, a Knight Foundation Arts Challenge award-winning show. For nine years Lip Service played to audiences 600 strong. Andrea has written for The New York Times, HuffPost, NBC NEWS, Salon, Glamour, The Rumpus, The Writer, PBS, NPR, and more. She's the author of My Miserable, Lonely, Lesbian Pregnancy and editor of Badass. She's our teacher, producer and host.
Zorina Frey is a writer, poet, and performing artist. Her work has been published in Chicken Soup for the Soul: I’m Speaking Now, Shondaland,, Voyage MIA, Worcester Business Journal, Analecta, and New Views on Gender. Her poems and short stories have won several South Florida Writers’ Association awards. As a performance artist, she has been featured at the Miami Book Fair, Broward College’s Music, Film, Literature and Arts Festival, Miami Dade College’s Arts & Letters Series, and Lip Service: True Stories Out Loud.
Matt Cundill started voicing radio ads in the 90’s. As his career progressed, he began to branch out into voice work for television, films, and working with e-learning companies and voice solutions groups. In 2015, he started working in voice full time and completed over 750 projects in 2018. Matt is now president of The Sound Off Media Company that offers audio solutions and podcast creation for entrepreneurs.
Sound Off Media Production Team
Past Production Team
Misha Mehrel is a film editor musician, photographer, and kids soccer coach living in Miami with a cat named Xanax.
Virginia Lora was born in Peru and raised in Miami. She's a bilingual radio producer with a passion for storytelling and social justice. She conducted intake interviews with kids in immigration detention, traveled all over the U.S. collecting oral histories with StoryCorps, and did community outreach for a homeless shelter. Eventually she found radio, trained at Transom, and came home to Miami.
Diego Saldana-Rojas is a bilingual multi-media journalist and independent audio producer. He graduated from the FIU School of Communications and is currently being driven crazy by two beautiful women trying to create the best podcast ever!
Xaire Vii is a Miami-based poet, musician, teacher, and performance artist. Xaire teaches writing and poetry to juveniles in foster care and detention centers. Xaire co-hosted the prison series with Andrea and Allison and is a frequent guest host. Theme music for the prison series was graciously provided by Xaire.